

Elderfit is a water exercise program designed for seniors and the physically compromised. Its mission is to raise awareness among seniors to the health and lifestyle benefits of remaining physically and mentally active. Endorsed by local doctors and physiotherapists as well as the Arthritis Society, the aquacize sessions are taught by trained volunteer facilitators in a stress-free environment. Satisfied participants report physical improvements in their agility, mobility, posture, flexibility, strength and endurance, as well as having fun with others. Swimming ability is not required.


Male or female seniors or those others with physical problems requiring therapeutic or rehabilitative joint-friendly exercise


We are currently running classes at two venues:

Lunenburg County Lifestyle Centre (LCLC)
135 North Park St, Bridgewater
Monday through Friday (5 days) at 10:00 am

Oak Island Resort and Conference Centre
36 Treasure Drive, Western Shore
Monday, Wednesday, Friday (3 days) at 10:30 am


For fees and any other information, please contact
902-527-1887 or elderfitlunenburg@gmail.com

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